InformationGeneral InformationFIRST CIRCULAR "CBM at SIS100" 1-st CBM Collaboration Meeting (Participation of JINR&Russia) will be held in Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna) during 19-22 May 2009. This Meeting is opening the series of workshops devoted to the discussion and coordination of the JINR&Russian Federation scientists participation in CBM project at FAIR. The program of this Meeting is devoted mainly to the physics program and readiness of the ÑBM detector for the first stage of FAIR - SIS100. It is planned to discuss new project of the Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) and Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) at Dubna. The possibility of the undertaking the combined developments for CBM and MPD projects will be considered. Preliminary list of topics to be discussed: 1. CBM physics program at SIS100. 2. MPD physics program at NICA. 3. Simulation: optimization of silicon detectors STS, track reconstruction in RICH, MUCH, STS and TRD; electron identification in TRD; hadron identification. 4. Status of the CBM-MPD STS Consortium. CBM STS R&D and prototypes in-beam tests. 5. Development of silicon microstrip detectors at SINP MSU. 6. Developments for RICH at IHEP. 7. Development of TRT/TRD at JINR. 8. Simulation and development of electromagnetic calorimeter ECAL at IHEP and ITEP. 9. Simulation and development of detectors for MUCH at PNPI RAS and JINR. 10. Status of simulation and development of superconducting dipole magnet at JINR. 11. Simulation and development zero-degree calorimeter PSD at INR RAS. 12. Status of software development. 13. Simulation of physical processes for the CBM at SIS100. The place of Meeting is the Dubna International Conference Center. Accomodation: Hotel "Dubna" Advisory Committee A.Kurepin (INR RAS) V.Kekelidze (JINR) A.Malakhov(JINR) M.Merkin(SINP MSU) V.Samsonov(PNPI RAS) S.Sadovsky(IHEP) P.Senger (GSI) A. Sissakian (JINR) A.Sorin (JINR) Yu.Zaitsev (ITEP) Organizing Committee A.Malakhov (Chairman) V.Ivanov (Vice-chairman) A.Sorin (Vice-chairman) V.Ladygin (Scientific Secretary) E.Plekhanov (Scientific Secretary) N.Dokalenko (Secretary) Yu.Zanevsky P.Zrelov Contacts: Visa information: Nataly Dokalenko (doknatasha@jinr.ru) General information: Vladimir Ladygin (vladygin@jinr.ru) Website: http://cbm2009-may.jinr.ru Further information will be given in the 2-nd CIRCULAR |